Day 20
Its been an interesting day. Fractious exchanges on Facebook yesterday spilled into this morning in what appeared to be a singular episode and yet similar issues have cropped up elsewhere in what a conspiracy theorist’s might describe as copycat. Except they are all explainable as expected fallouts from similar tensions. The isolation being experienced as we try to mitigate the worst of the pandemic was clearly a factor but I found my midday walk to be exceedingly therapeutic precisely because so few people were about.
The management apologises that there will be no service available today but feel free to browse
If you’d planned the scene you’d have set the conditions such that the mountains would stand out and frame it but they were entirely hidden behind a veil of mist. As it was, the misty edge to the horizon spoke to not only the quiet acceptance of our lot but to the majesty of nature that would consider us less subjects than annoying incomers. It felt like nature was having a day off and I was privileged to observe it at rest. The glorious mountains were locked away in the cupboard and the sky had donned its silk slippers. “The management apologises that there will be no service available today but feel free to browse”.
It has been a day for balancing the books and taking stock. I left the Facebook…