Day 45
I heard someone on YouTube use the word ‘dystopian’ the other day and it just didn’t sound right. I got what he meant and he obviously knew what it meant, but it came across as something borrowed and didn’t fit. We’ve heard about flattening the curve innumerable times but key people would talk about ‘exponential’ as being a thing rather than being descriptive.
it is our lot to eat and drink and enjoy the work of our hands
It’s funny when kids throw into conversations words they’ve learned, proudly presenting their discovery but clearly not understanding what it is they’ve discovered. Other times they obsessively use a word that pleases them and makes them feel grown up, unaware that the attention it draws has more to do with being amused than impressed.
CoVID-19 is bringing up words and phrases we are newly familiar with. I had never heard of PPE before this pandemic but it just slips off the tongue now and so many people use it as if they’d used it for years. But dystopia and exponential curves don’t drop into conversations, the former because it’s in danger of being overused and not carrying the force that it’s definition requires, the latter because it just isn’t useful at the this stage.
I remember years ago when industrial relations became prominent in the news, though ‘industrial’ was an odd word…