Day 12
I don’t have a special story to tell. I’m not a key worker, I’m not suffering any symptoms and I’ve no one I immediately have to care for or even consider. I suspect hardly anyone is reading these pieces so why do I write them? The lack of demand (evidenced by the little feedback I get) suggests I should call this a day (there’s a pun) but regardless, it’s an exercise in writing that could bring its own reward. What would me reading benefit society especially if it’s fictional? Yet that would be worthwhile in itself.
In the famous words of Magnus Magnusson, “I’ve started so I’ll finish” — who knows where this will lead. I should be inspired by COVID-19 itself. One person could pick up one of my posts and start a literary pandemic. Who knows what could be the result of the ripple effect? Besides that, I need to break my lifelong habit of not committing. My life seems to be made up of shards and this year is bringing that into sharp focus.
We need to give ourselves permission to fail while never considering ourselves failures
This self isolation is meaning that many of us are self-reflecting only because we don’t have the social interaction that normally moderates what we think and say. Conversations on social media can be confusing and even brutal because it’s more a negotiation of monologues than a series of dialogues. That would be…