For me, the pussy hat march protesting the election of Trump encapsulated the problem with this particular kind of feminist thinking. When there were so many existential crises that needed addressing it was Trumps misogyny that was top of the agenda.
This was identity politics at its worst. Let's conveniently forget Madeleine Albright's admission that killing half a million Iraqi children was worth it or that Hillary Clinton turned Libya into a slave market. Let's also remember that Roe vs Wade could have been codified into law by the Democrats if it wasn't such a useful hammer to hit the Republicans with.
Palestinian American women have been incenced by US feminists fighting for women's rights in the USA while condoning the genocide in Palestine where 70% of those killed are women and children. Trump's misogyny is egregious and he's a terrible person but you don't do background checks on firemen when they're hosing down your burning house.