Day 9
It’s all kind of weird.
It’s a beautiful outlook that changes every day and for that I’m grateful. The shallowness of the water in the bay means the light not only plays on the water, it acts as a wash over the sand in a living watercolour. The mountains in the distance frame the scene unlike somewhere like Blackpool where the sea just ends and then there’s sky. They are not static objects, they create their own weather system as they resist the incoming air from the Irish Sea and don their own veils and manufacture breathtaking sunsets.
It’s so shallow you can lie on your stomach and the water doesn’t even reach your back
The gorgeous Midland Hotel, the Stone Jetty and even the Battery in its drab work gear, looking unsure of why it’s there and you could imagine it thinking “Why the attention” — they all fit perfectly. But the people walking the prom and the dog walkers on the beach seem like extras, brought in and playing the part badly. Recreation is off the cards for the time being, we are mostly (those of us who venture out of the house) taking our daily exercise. You can look but don’t touch.
Swimming is all but impossible. It’s so shallow you can lie on your stomach and the water doesn’t even reach your back. We are not seeing the para-surfers (is that what they’re called) obviously. I feel the…