Day 56
Tomorrow I’m going into my 9th week of writing this diary. I’m tempted to delve into an analysis of my writing but I feel I should resist this as it will turn into a reflection of diary writing rather than a more candid observation of what is happening inside and outside of my head.
I’m conscious that this is not the diary of someone who is dealing with the virus directly. If I’ve had it I’ve been asymptomatic and I’m not working with anyone who has it. But as I’ve written before, much of our experience comes from coping with the measures in place rather than the virus itself. While coronavirus is very real we can kid ourselves that we know this reality experiencially.
failure wants to know where the bodies are buried
Going to and from the shop two days ago in my makeshift mask it struck me how surreal it all is. It was sunny and warm, people were milling about seeming fairly happy and I had no way of knowing whether wearing a mask actually made any difference. Everything felt fine. This is why we need clear instructions. In the absence of physical evidence there needs to be at least a sense of community coordination. When we walk in step the renegade sticks out like a sore thumb.
Yesterday was a day of neatness. Some of my plans didn’t make it to the starting block but there was a kind of…