I came to this expecting very little and I wasn’t disappointed. It reminds me of a book I bought that listed the things that make God angry. For some of them I’d say God would be angry at the person bothering him over something so trivial.
One of the comments brings up the line “God never gives us more than we can handle” which is not only empirically false but very often offensive or even cruel. What these trite sayings tend to reveal is that evangelical Christians very often live in cloud cuckoo land, receiving their life lessons from fantastical biographies and theology straight out of the Old Testament and unfiltered by reality.
I’m speaking as one who’s been there, done it and got the bumper sticker, knowing friends who are intelligent and experienced yet still blissfully unaware of how stupid they sound at times. My 5c would be: if you ever find yourself uttering any of these meaningless phrases don’t bother working out what they mean, just take a general reality check.