I really like this. For a non-theologian you’ve pretty well nailed it.
My view on heaven is that the Bible says virtually nothing about an afterlife. The Old Testament is pretty vague and much of what Jesus says was the sought of things fellow rabbis had been debating over the previous few centuries. When you read ‘kingdom of heaven’ its more often than not a euphemism for kingdom of God , i.e. the rule of God and following God (cf. ‘your will be done on earth as in heaven’). Only the very last bit of Revelation can be taken as another epoch.
I’ve grown to hate the “hate the sin but love the sinner”. Its mostly used as an excuse to judge people for their particular lifestyle while trying to appear non-judgemental. Its significant that Jesus didn’t tell the woman ‘caught in adultery’ that he forgave her (which would indicate judgement) but simply let her know that no one had condemned her including him. Interestingly the early church left this story out of the scriptures because they felt it condoned adultery.