I’m something inside my head
A web of thoughts and memories
Hopes trashed and dreams unfulfilled
Futures previewed and fears rehearsed
I’m something inside a thought
In sub sentences concatonated by semi colons
With full stops missing
I’m missing in action
Absent without leave
Unplanned vacation
And extended lunch break
I’m late with my assignment
Missing references
Short on my word count
I’ve lost count of my epiphanies
My Domestos moments
(Chlorinated encounters)
That’s not a glitch
On the road to my Damascus
Strewn with the war weary
Frail and lost
I’m lost under a canopy of leaves
In a dark forest starved of sunlight
With paths in many directions
But signless
I’m compelled to walk one path
To stay put is to die
Or worse, to have no relevance
Relevance is what drives me
To exist without meaning is pointless
But what does my life mean?
And that’s the point
If my life is a play
And I the actor
Where is the script?