I was moved to tears reading this. You’ve managed to communicate the pain Jews have had to deal with yet navigated the plight of Palestinians without sounding at all patronising or coming across as in anyway insincere. In fact you’ve laid out the truth candidly and with great courage.
I’ve highlighted the comment about the Hamas attack, not to disagree but as a point of discussion. What happened that day is multifaceted, part of it being a breakout from the prison camp that is Gaza and I do believe the primary objective was to attack military targets.
So if I’m being asked to approve or not approve of the ‘attack’ I’m conflicted because I’m not quite sure what it is I’m commenting on and I’m not sure that approval or disgust are the only options.
I’m perfectly happy to acknowledge that this might be offensive and I don’t want to argue myself out of it. But this is where I am at.