I'm not saying both parties are the same except in many (and important) ways they are. The clear distinction is in cultural values where the Democrats are pro choice while the Republicans stand for traditional values. The Republicans are overtly for corporate America where the Democrats appear ambivalent.
However both are financed by corporate America so that the distinction becomes more and more like the final scene of Animal Farm. Unfortunately both are committed to the status quo (even if each version looks slightly different).
One big problem you have is that the prison industrial complex and current deregulation of Wall Street came through the Democrats in the form of Bill Clinton and Joe Biden. Obama was bought by Wall Street and the ACA was an appeasement to big Pharma and the health insurance industry.
Some Republican mayors and governers have been pretty progressive, shaming the Democrats. When the DNC won't list M4A as official policy in a pandemic, Obama manages the primaries to ensure Bernie is crushed and Biden and Harris are running for the White House when both have an appalling record for incarcerating black men, I have to conclude that both parties are different shades of the same thing.
The question isn't if America will implode under its own corruption but how.