I'm with you all the way from paragraph 2 onwards but I'm not sure what election campaign you were following because from where I was sitting it was pathetic and utterly depressing. Every one of them capitulated to the BoD's 10 pledges while RLB threw Corbyn under the bus in the JLM debate. Even then Starmer had the charisma of a stale cornflake. Nandy's experience in political debate put her in good stead but it wasn't hard to see through her performance.
It wasn't difficult to see Starmer was an establishment shill, especially when he refused to declare his doners. Typically he obeyed the letter of the rules but completely lacked integrity. Since becoming leader he has sunk to flouting the rules out of desperation. It wasn't a glimmer of hope that got Corbyn supporters to vote for this dish cloth, it was an act of desperation.