Day 16
I’ve woken up in a black mood this morning, not feeling positive about anything. It’s not as if yesterday went badly. I think its come from looking into both the immediate and long term future without the optimism I would have liked. Distracting ourselves with disconnected positive thoughts doesn’t adequately challenge our fears and concerns unless they are addressed head on.
Our unconscious minds don’t rationalise by constructing threads of positivity using information we can grab from what is around us, they sort information that has already been processed and try to make sense of all the disparate thoughts floating in our heads. But while this sorting is ultimately helpful, the way we feel when we wake up is coloured by the way we ended the day before.
We don’t always choose our circumstances but we can still take charge of the small space we own
I’m aware that I was processing both positive and negative stories but also that the positives had less traction . Do they say that a lie can travel round the world before the truth has got out of bed? It’s something like that. The negatives are like viruses that are happy to infect any host through which they replicate while the positives need something more structured. We therefore need to build frameworks in which positives take shape and interconnect.