And framing your future
Life is all about actions and decisions, the combinations and permutations of which are endless. Figuring this out is like picking the noodles out of your thin and fluid minestrone soup. So when you hit the inevitable crossroads and cul-de-sacs in your journey those islands of relative solidity can keep you from drowning in the what-if’s and why’s.
If I can recognise the chaos as a product of my own actions and decisions, there’s hope I can distill some order from it.
There’s not a life that has no regrets or never questions what the point is. And if there are any individuals who look over the fence and covet nothing of their neighbour’s they are rare. Having more wealth than you can ever enjoy doesn’t stop you wishing you had something someone else has because, at the end of the day, there truly are things that money can’t buy. And while your troubles might consume your waking [and sleeping] hours, unless they are shared troubles such as those of a community under water, their magnitude and solveability are likely a matter of personal perspective.
Your past can sometimes be offset but cannot be corrected - your actions and decisions are not like pencil marks that can be erased. But a history unreconciled will dog your every…