Member-only story
Rejecting Zionism
No longer Left Behind*
I became a born again Christian in my 20’s and found myself in the Hal Lindsey — Late Great Planet Earth corner of the Church. This was radical Christianity replete with signs and wonders and the expectation of an imminent return of Jesus Christ. It was exciting because we expected miracles and had a personal relationship with Jesus unlike other Christians who just went through the motions and did church.
Though I was introduced to the faith through an Anglican church I was soon involved with a house church, meeting in a home just like the early Christians before the church became established. I went to house groups, Bible weeks and devoured Christian books teaching doctrine and sharing stories of the miraculous. I had no doubt that these stories were true — why would a Christian lie about these things? I was convinced God answered prayers even though it was hit and miss if he answered mine.
I never considered myself a fundamentalist but was being fed by right wing fundamentalist preachers and teachers. If my experiences were less than miracluous I put it down to lack of faith either in myself or in those around me. I believed that God was showing me truths that were hidden to non-believers. The Bible was amazing because I would always be learning new things through the Holy Spirit. I…