So, if we are going to be picky that’s not a couple its 4. Going through your list. You say the Bible emphasises the following which I take you to mean they are most significant :
(1) Homosexuals should be killed.
Homosexuality is not a major theme in the Bible. In fact Jesus doesn’t mention it once. What the Bible does emphasise is adultery and lays it on pretty thick that God hates unfaithfulness more than anything.
(2) Women are inferior to men.
You have a point but there are many examples of female leaders in the Bible. In the book of Judges there is a female leader, women played a significant role in Jesus’ministry and there appear to be female church leaders. You should bear in mind the patriarchal culture of the time.
(3) Opponents of Jewish people should be the subject of genocide (including killing babies)as instructed specifcally by god.That is why we still have constant conflict in the Middle East with a racially based Israel suppressing other people in the region.
This is the most troubling aspect of the Old Testament and difficult to justify.
(4) The Earth was created in 7 days and the Sun revolves around the Earth hahaha
You might mock but this is a very beautiful story whose aim is to portray God as creator and provider and explains why we should have a rest day. Its only taken as literal by fundamentalists. I should also note that it was 6 days. God rested on the 7th.