Thanks for your clarification. I've just checked Merriam Webster and at no point do they indicate that revolution implies armed insurrection (though that might be the form it takes). At root it simply means to rotate 360 degrees (which is kind of what revolutions do).
In over 2 decades, every party that won a general election in the UK was approved of by Rupert Murdoch. For longer than that legislation has been passed contrary to the wishes of the majority of Americans. In the end it always comes down to what the corporations allow to pass.
A super majority of Americans want stricter gun legislation and single payer health care. Universal health is so normal in the developed world there is no possible reason for Americans not having it other than the lawmakers are in the pockets of big Pharma and the health insurance industry.
Even in a pandemic the DNC will not make medicare for all, non-binding policy. That's how subservient they are to financial interests. The American people have no chocice other than to vote for a president who will not serve their needs. Congress has something like a 15% approval rating. Serial killers are more popular.