Day 17
I’ve been writing these entries first thing in the morning because otherwise I end up using time best spent doing other things. I also want to avoid introspection in the middle of the day which will encourage me to dwell on my feelings rather than tasks. The obvious answer then, is to write it at night which is probably better for a diary anyway and will hopefully relax me when I need that most. I’ll write 2 entries today.
It’s pretty obvious from my writing that I’m not a key worker so I don’t have stories of heroism and tragedy or first hand examples of the mayhem this crisis is causing. But I dare say I’m not atypical so maybe this resonates with those who have been caught in the headlights rather than plunged into the rescue mission.
…making small decisions that make the real changes possible, that some massive intervention would not succeed in doing
What’s been most difficult for me is facing up to my inadequacies that are exacerbated by the current situation and figuring out what to do about them. What I want is for there to be some magic flip switch that turns all my problems into opportunities but, of course, that’s not how life generally works. What does work (though only incrementally) is making small decisions that make the real changes possible, that some massive intervention would not succeed in doing.