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The Left & the Anti-vax Narrative
A shot in the foot
Jimmy Dore, some time ago, featured Dr John Campbell on his show with revelations about Covid death numbers. Through a Freedom of Information request (FOI) Campbell believed he had discovered that deaths directly attributed to Covid were around one tenth that of recorded Covid related deaths. In other words the deaths attributable to Covid alone were grossly exaggerrated. Jimmy, having been vaccinated but suffered from side effects, became a vaccine sceptic. Its therefore not surprising that he would look to someone like John Campbell who confirmed his suspicions.
John Campbell went viral with millions watching his YouTube videos. He became the champion of many who were effectively anti-vaxxers. As Campbell’s position became the de facto consensus among many critical of the deep state, Jimmy became increasingly dismissive of those promoting universal vaccination, writing off anyone who didn’t oppose the mandates. Opposing the mandates and lockdowns has become a shiboleth for anyone claiming to be an anti-imperialist.
Anyone familiar with Naomi Klein’s book, The Shock Doctrine will be aware of disaster capitalism where governments either manufacture or manipulate a crisis to push through draconian legislation and reform under the guise of it being necessary under the circumstances. It’s not much of a…