(not to be taken too seriously)
Starting out, this isn’t an attack on Medium — why would I want to bite the hand that doesn’t feed me? No this isn’t an indepth critique of the platform or another counter culture type, negativity attracting pity party. Of course there are things wrong with Medium — how couldn’t there be? The headline might be a bit click-bait-esque but hell, that 2 cents income doesn’t stretch very far.
So what’s my beef (is there a vegan equivalent to this)? Well its not really a criticism of the Medium platform at all, its more of a niggle. Its not even a problem (and you could say it’s a bit petty on my part). It’s just a little bug bear of mine about the many rather vacuous and ill informed articles getting thousands of claps when the story I’ve devoted hours to, spell checked, read and re-read and then spent another hour or so creating the feature image, gets one if I’m lucky. Even when I tell my friends about the story they just give it one clap because they assumed it was like giving a like on Facebook.
Of course this isn’t the fault of Medium, its down to people loving to read only what they want to hear and I’m as guilty as anyone for this. Hypocrite as I am I will claim that I actually want to read something substantive, not just extended bullet points, padded to hide the fact. And if I was true to myself this shouldn’t be…