While I agree with your premise that the Bible tends to support socialism I have issues with your exposition.
#1. Paul says "the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil". The rich young man left, not because of his money but because of the power it had over him.
#2. My understanding is that Jesus was mad because they had taken over the court of the gentiles, thus excluding non Jews. Jesus quotes directly from Jeremiah and this covers more than making money.
#3. Again this relates to the corruption of wealth and love of money, not directly to how much you have in the bank.
#5. This is prophecy looking to a time when all enmity will end and peace is established, not a direct call to disarmement.
The Bible definitely has a bias towards the poor and generally eviscerates the rich because they are mostly scumbags. Jesus is brutal when it comes to the rich and powerful and would address tele-evangelists as spawn of the devil. So I'm on your side but I'm not sure how many bubles this would burst.