You came to a very rapid conclusion via what you wrote was a 'simple question'. Yet that simple question is loaded with assumptions and questionable statements. Your whole schtick is to present a factual (rather than emotional) account. I can agree that you are not being emotional yet your writing is generally subjective.
You are not proposing a position of the land being Jewish in perpetuity (a statement I find baffling), you are stating it as fact based on next to nothing and none of what follows actually substantiates your proposition.
As I often find here, I have to follow the author down questionable rabbit holes and then untangle the facts which require someone with much more knowledge than me to substantiate or repudiate. As per your request I won't assume your politics but I'm guessing you appeal to a certain audience.
However I feel compelled to question how being a negotiator between Israel, the PA, Saudi Arabia & the USA qualifies you as none of these actually represent the Palestinians.